Travel comfort woes begone. Never again be lost for words. Overcome any language barrier, wherever you travel. With Just Point! in your daypack, you’ll be able to communicate all essential messages and maybe a few nonessential ones, too! This handysized deck of 40+ full-colour cards with more than 500 entertaining icons on food and drink, accommodation, transport, fashion and sightseeing, all held together with a screw for easy flicking,is a guaranteed conversation starter! When you’re craving that skinny doubleshot cappuccino with extra froth, Lonely Planet provides the answer in a language any barista will understand. Whether it’s the yoga, pilates or tai chi class you’re looking for, just point to the icon to get your point across. This is the perfect gift for the discerning traveller. These icons will make communicating with locals a breeze and won’t fail to raise a smile either with their depictions of the amusing situations often encountered when exploring places far from home. Book details: Authors: Lonely Planet Publications 40 pages, 40 pp colour | Dimensions: 60mm x 150mm Next edition due: Apr 2020